Explain one example of a political issue or public service

Discussion Post 1: Unitary Government in the United States?

- As explained in the presentation, unitary systems of government are the most common worldwide. Could a unitary system work in the United States, or is would this create more political conflict?

For your post, I would like you to identify and explain one example of a political issue or public service that might be more effectively dealt with if the United States operated under a unitary system.

Similarly, I want you to identify and explain one example of a political issue or public service that might be less effectively dealt with if the United States operated under a unitary system.

Discussion Post 2: Sanctions on States

- As discussed in this module, the federal government has various means of imposing economic 'sanctions' on states. These are most often used to influence state policies within issue areas (e.g. traffic laws) where Congress does not have the Constitutional power to pass actual regulations.

One way of thinking about such sanctions is that they are an inherent feature of federal systems; sanctions represent a means of bringing states into alignment on significant public safety issues without eroding the legal powers of states.

An alternative argument is that this represents an unfair form of coercion or manipulation of state policies; sanctions allow the federal government to work around the limits on its power that are established in the Constitution.

In your post, explain your view of federal sanctions - preferably with examples.

The response should include a reference list. Double-space, using Times New Roman 12 pnt font, one-inch margins, and APA style of writing and citations.

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Other Subject: Explain one example of a political issue or public service
Reference No:- TGS02116497

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