
Explain nursing management considerations for this patient


Simulation Case:

Mr. Redd is an 80-year-old male patient with type 2 diabetics. He was brought to the hospital by his son and got admitted to the emergency due to his condition.

He has been skipping his medication, including insulin been a diabetic patient, he has a swollen wound on his right toe and denied pains. However, he lost his wife a year ago, and he likes to drink beer, hangs out with friends, and is addicted to Benadryl, which he takes every night to help him sleep. In addition, the patient cannot walk appropriately except with a walker. He has been adequately vaccinated both for influenza and covid. All this information was given to his son when he came for information on his father's progression. Mr. Redd was educated along with his son on wound management, diet, avoiding alcohol. The plan was set up before he left the hospital, for example, Discharge plan, case management plan, and family instruction plan.

He was sent home blood sugar 78( on admission 300)he refused medication and denied pain. He lives 20miles from the city' also on metformin



Wound care nurse

He loves to eat doughnut and coffee


1. How did you feel throughout the simulation experience?

2. Give a brief summary of this patient and what happened in the simulation.

3. What were the main problems that you identified?

4. Discuss the knowledge guiding your thinking surrounding these main problems.

5. What were the key assessment and interventions for this patient?

6. Discuss how you identified these key assessments and interventions.

7. Discuss the information resources you used to assess this patient. How did this guide your care planning?

8. Discuss the clinical manifestations evidenced during your assessment. How would you explain these manifestations?

9. Explain the nursing management considerations for this patient. Discuss the knowledge guiding your thinking.

10. What information and information management tools did you use to monitor this patient's outcomes? Explain your thinking.

11. How did you communicate with the patient?

12. What specific issues would you want to take into consideration to provide for this patient's unique care needs?

13. Discuss the safety issues you considered when implementing care for this patient.

14. What measures did you implement to ensure safe patient care?

15. What other members of the care team should you consider important to achieving good care outcomes?

16. How would you assess the quality of care provided?

17. What could you do improve the quality of care for this patient?

18. If you were able to do this again, how would you handle the situation differently?

19. What did you learn from this experience?

20. How will you apply what you learned today to your clinical practice?

21. Is there anything else you would like to discuss?

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Biology: Explain nursing management considerations for this patient
Reference No:- TGS03208340

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