
explain numerical control nc procedurea process

Explain Numerical Control (N.C) Procedure

a) Process Planning: - This is listing of the sequence of operation to be performed during manufacturing of a part. This as well lists the machine by which the part to be made is routed.

b) Part Programming:-The part programmer is responsible for planning the sequence by N.C system and to document these in a special format.

c) Tape Verification: - The tape is checked for its accuracy. It is checked by two methods. To run the tape through a computer program that will point out the contents of the tape and errors in the tape can thus be checked.

d) Production: - The corrected tape is then used for manufacturing the parts on the N.C machine. The operator loads the raw materials on the machine tool and adjusts the position of the cutting tool relative to workpiece. The N.C system then takes over and machines the part according to the instructions on the tape.

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Mechanical Engineering: explain numerical control nc procedurea process
Reference No:- TGS0290935

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