
explain non-glycerides in edible oilsyou may be

Explain Non-Glycerides in Edible Oils?

You may be aware of the fact that the glyceride fraction (an ester of glycerol and fatty acids that occurs naturally as fats and fatty oils) in edible oils and fats is about 90-98% and the remaining 2-10% is the non-glyceride fraction and that it contains a variety of components. These are: Sterols, terpene alcohols, tocopherols, Izydrocarbons, long chain alcohols including waxes, carotenoid pigments, sulfur- and nitrogen-containing, flavour compounds. They possess nutritiona1 and physiologic functions. These components are present in the crude extract and are destroyed/ reduced during the process of concentration or chemically modified during refining.

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Biology: explain non-glycerides in edible oilsyou may be
Reference No:- TGS0307383

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