Explain nominal exchange rate in short run and in long run

For this question, use the Keynesian IS-LM model with flexible exchange rates. Eastland's main trading partner is Westland. Suppose Westland undertakes an expansionary monetary policy.

(a) What is the effect of Westland's expansionary monetary policy on Eastland's real exchange rate in the short run, assuming no change in Eastland's policies?

(b) What is the effec to Westland's expansionary monetary policy on Eastland's real exchange rate in the long run, assuming no change in Eastland's policies?

(c) What is the effect of Westland's expansionary monetary policy on Eastland's nominal exchange rate in the short run and in the long run?

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Microeconomics: Explain nominal exchange rate in short run and in long run
Reference No:- TGS066821

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