
Explain-miracle of technology is the proliferation


Isn't wireless technology great! Most of us don't marvel enough at the technology that we carry around and enjoy every day. Cell phones are typically viewed more as an annoyance than as a technological marvel. When someone's phone goes off in the movie theatre or in church people turn and give a disapproving stare rather than applaud or congratulate the person on their possession of the latest technology. Wireless cell phone technology is a modern marvel though. The possibility one person standing in the wilds of Yellowstone National Park speaking with another person walking down Wall Street in New York City was unimaginable just a few decades ago yet today we take it for granted.

Wireless internet is another amazing technology that we complain about when it doesn't work the way we want it to but that we don't truly appreciate on a daily basis. Isn't it amazing that I can sit at a café in Paris with a cappuccino next to my laptop and Skype a friend living in Chiang Mai, Thailand! No wires, complete freedom of movement, amazing! An even smaller (dimensionally) miracle of technology is the proliferation of handheld wireless devices that are revolutionizing social networking, job productivity and gaming. Where do my kids want to eat when we travel long distance to visit relatives? Well, pretty much anywhere as long as they have free Wi-Fi. While we eat our burgers or fried chicken we can check the stock market, sports scores, chat with friends, and check our calendars or play games on our IPod touch or some other handheld wireless device.

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Other Subject: Explain-miracle of technology is the proliferation
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