
explain methods of on - the job training for

Explain methods of 'On - the Job Training' for Managers.

Methods of 'On - the Job Training' for Managers:

(i) Experience: In this method a person who is to do something and perform as a manager, is placed on some suitable managerial position and is expected to grow as a manager through learning from the experience.

 (ii) Coaching: In this method a new manager is taught the art of managing through a senior experienced manager, termed as coach.

(iii) Understudy: In this method, a junior manager works under the guidance and instructions of some senior manager, along with the intention that after the duration of training, the junior manager will take over the position of the senior manager.  The period of training the junior manager is termed as an 'Understudy'.

(iv) Position Rotation: This is that method of managerial development, where one manager is rotated among some managerial positions at the horizontal level in various departments, at regular intervals of time.

(v) Special Projects: A particular project might be assigned to a manager that is a piece of task outside the scope of his normal tasks. It helps him to learn new things.

(vi) Placement On Committees: While a manager is placed on a Committee as a particular member of that Committee, he not only develops conversational powers and also comes to learn - interacting along with others.  This develops his human relations skill.

 (Vii) Selective Readings: Managers are expected and advised to suffer professional magazines and journals maintained in the company library throughout their leisure time.

(Viii) Case Study Method: Here a manager is given with a case from a real-life organisational situation, pertaining to an exact managerial area.

(ix) Brain-Storming: There a problem is posed before a group of trainee-Managers and concepts are invited from them for a solution to that problem.

 (x)  Multiple Management: In this method, there are two Boards of Directors as: a senior and Junior Board. The Junior Board is the training ground for getting eligibility to placement upon senior Board. The members of the Junior Board obtain adequate experience of handling organisational issues before assuming the liable roles as members of the Senior Board.

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Operation Management: explain methods of on - the job training for
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