Please choose correct option:
Question 1: Evolution is genetic change in ......... that occurs over time.
- An individual
- A population
- A community
- An ecosystem
- The biosphere
Question 2: Bacteria evolve antibiotic resistance through all of the following mechanisms except:
- Mutations
- Intense predation
- Acquiring new genes from viruses.
- Acquiring new genes from plasmids
- Acquiring new genes from other bacteria that survive antibiotic treatments.
Question 3: Which of the following gases was not present in the Earth's early atmosphere but appear the evolution of certain organisms?
- Hydrogen
- Methane
- Nitrogen
- Oxygen
- Carbon dioxide
Question 4: Macromolecules that are capable of self-replicaton are :
- Proteins
- Polysaccharides
- Steroids
- DNA and RNA
- Triglycerides
Question 5: The theory that eukaryotic organelles originated as prokaryotes that survived inges cell and ultimately evolved mutualistic relationships with the host cell is termed
- Obligative symbiotic theory
- Heterosymbiont theory
- Endosymbiont theory
- Facultative symbiotic theory
- Autotrophic symbiotic theory