
explain land as the basis of wealth status and

Explain Land as the Basis of Wealth, Status and Power

A. To possess land is to possess wealth. Land is the source of the livelihood of the vast majority of the people (80 - 90% depending on the region), and it is the surest source of economic value (land generates on average 3% annual return on its value, at least two-times a better rate than any other form of investment.)


B. Land is a source of social status. Owners of large tracts of land were known as lords, meaning they were considered natural leaders of society. In most of Europe, this status was known as nobility, considered a personal quality of landowners which set them off from and made them better than ordinary people, known as subjects, whom lords protected and from whom lords deserved respect, obedience and loyalty.

C. Land is the source of political power. From local lords up to kings and emperors, anyone claiming authority to rule over subjects based that claim on ownership of land on which subjects worked.


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History: explain land as the basis of wealth status and
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