
Explain-jesus is the divine word of god

Discussion: The differences in the way each of gospel portrays Jesus.

Each of the four gospels presents a different (but not necessarily conflicting) portrait of Jesus. For Matthew, Jesus is a new Moses, a great teacher who offers a new path to God. For Mark, Jesus is Godâ??s suffering servant and those who follow him should expect to suffer in the same way he did. For Luke, Jesus is a prophet who comes as the savior of all of humanity, a good shepherd who welcomes everyone, especially the sick and poor, and the powerless and outcast. For John, Jesus is the divine Word of God who was with God from the beginning, who came down from heaven and went as low as a person can go (washing the feet of his disciples, a task that even a slave could not be required to perform), who was then lifted up (on the cross, then from the grave), who returned to heaven and is now in the process of lifting up believers and bringing them to himself. How do you understand Jesus â?" in any of these or in other ways? What is the source of your understanding of Jesus?

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Other Subject: Explain-jesus is the divine word of god
Reference No:- TGS01913619

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