Explain-is pacifism a hopeless pipe-dream


This journal is relatively open to how you would like to respond to the readings on just war, pacifism, and military spending. A couple suggested possibilities (but you can go in your own direction): (At least 500 words)

• Is pacifism a hopeless pipe-dream, or could it be a realistic response even to the Islamic State and terrorism more generally?
• Do you prefer pacifism, just war, or "total war" (i.e., no restraints on war other than the imperative to win), and why?
• Does the Black Lives Matter platform make a convincing case for reducing military expenditures?
• You may have other questions that struck you during the readings or other topics you would rather write about, which is also fine.

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English: Explain-is pacifism a hopeless pipe-dream
Reference No:- TGS02032360

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