
Explain investment casting and centifugal casting - explain



a) Explain Investment casting and centifugal casting.
b) Explain wire drawing and TIG welding in detail.


a) Explain Electo slag and shielded metal arc welding process with neat sketch.

b) Explain in detail different types of Welded joints?
Explain in detail different welding defects and how to avoid them?


a) Differentiate between hot and cold working process. What are their advantages and disadvantages? Mush-ate with examples.

b) Explain in detail rolling process. What are the different Rolling methods? Illustrate with examples.


a) Explain Electron Beam machining and Abrasive Jet machining in detail.

b) Explain the working of any one type of slotting machine with neat sketch.


a) Explain Mechanical and optical methods of angular measurement.

b) Explain with neat diagram following metal working operations: Boring, Broaching and Shaping.


a) What do you understand by finishing processes? Explain any two methods in detail with examples.

b) Explain importance of Location and Clamping in work holding process.

Q7. Write short notes of the following
b) UM
c) FMS
d) Group Technology

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Mechanical Engineering: Explain investment casting and centifugal casting - explain
Reference No:- TGS02356013

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