
Explain investigation of computer-related crime

Discuss the below:

"The Investigation of Computer-Related Crime"

• There are general principles that investigators must follow when they respond to any crime scene in which computers and electronic technology may be involved. Suggest at least two (2) general principles for proper evidence preservation for stand-alone personal computers, networked home personal computers, and network server business networks. Provide a rationale for your response.

• Discuss the major procedures that investigators must use in order to collect network trace evidence of computer-related crimes. Next, speculate on the primary concern of investigators as they execute the evidence-collection procedures in question, and explain the main reasons why you believe such a concern is valid. Justify your response.

Two of the general principles that I believe are extremely important are " do not alter the state of an electronic device" and "identity, seize, and secure all electronic devices, including personal and/or portable devices". These two stand out to me as not following proper guidelines can make the information gathered inadmissible. Also with the electronic devices any change in state can change all of the information. So following at least these two principles can help save the information gained.

Evidence requires that it is handled correctly, every step of evidence process is documented, and all devices collected are cataloged for use in obtaining any future warrants. Once this process is followed then begins the process of evidence collection from the network trace. With electronic evidence the manipulation or change of data is such a primary concern that precautions must be followed or loss of evidence collected could be the result. Even accidental data change can be a cause for that evidence to not be allowed in. Making sure all steps are properly followed or loss of evidence collected validates all concerns the invewstigators have.

"White-Collar Crime and Bribery versus Extortion"

• Discuss the key elements of identifying white-collar crimes. Next, determine at least two (2) federal criminal statutes that government agencies commonly use to convict white-collar criminals, and specify the main reasons why government agencies commonly use the statutes in question. Justify your response.

• Define the key difference between the crime of bribery and the crime of extortion, based on the federal bribery and extortion statutes. Next, specify the necessity of defining the difference that you have defined. Justify your response.

There are three types of costs that can result from white-collar crime. The first type of cost is financial harm. It is not possible to provide a clear estimate of the financial impact corporate crimes, but estimates run in the trillions of dollars. The National White Collar Crime Center estimates that white-collar and corporate crime costs between $425 billion and $1.7 trillion per year. The second type of cost is physical harm. As high as these financial estimates are, by most standards they do not include the total losses that accrue from abuses of power. A physical way that corporate crime can cause harm is through the result of injury or death. The third type of cost is the social cost which is found to be the most stressed by sociologists because of the harm to social relationships and trust. Since white-collar and corporate crimes violate trust and therefore, create distrust. This creates lower morale and produces social disorganization. In my opinion, I believe that the greatest loss that would affect people within our society and community today would be the financial cost. Financial crimes have a very big effect on society because when a white-collar crime is committed it will have a larger and greater impact resulting in many different financial increases in many aspects including the rise of penalties, taxes and the cost of living will go up for everyone. Prices on housing, clothing, food and education will also be affected by the financial crimes that are being committed.

Bribery and extortion have many elements in common, and it is easy to take one as the other. Both are considered by law to be criminal offenses and both involve the exchange of valuable items, such as money, to influence the actions of one of the parties. The difference depends on the nature of the relationship between the person receiving goods, services, or money and the person giving them. In extortion, the receiver is the initiator of the transaction, as opposed to the giver. But in bribery, the bribe could still be the initiator, instead of the briber. The key difference, is that in extortion the extorting individual, the receiver of goods, is not offering anything to the extorted individual, the giver.

How to Spot a Liar!

Since we are discussing White Collar crime this week, it's a good time to view the video How to Spot a Liar. It's short (14 mins) but I wish it were longer, it's that good. Students always find it revealing.
To ensure you earn the full 5 points, be sure to discuss the video's content and what surprised you most when you watched it.


How to Spot a Liar!

In the video, Marissa Meyer discusses the phenomenon of lying and its consequences and detection. She begins by saying it is a wide occurrence and that everyone lies. Most lie harmlessly to maintain social harmony and to maintain relations, and some do it embellish their reality to bridge the gap between what they are and what they want to become. But some lies and liars can cause loss, harm, and damage to others and prevent rightful justice from taking place in the case of important figures and during legal trials etc. She also discusses ways to detect lies in which not only language, but body language, tone etc. are important points to be noticed when people lie. Proper cross examination by trained people can unravel a well-built lie, as they can detect anomalies in the story and lies from behavior, language, tone, and body language. She ends by saying honesty is the way forward to build a peaceful world, and it is.

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