Explain in detail previous study between intrinsic motivation with employee performance. Use only at least four from the list of references provided.
Ghaffari, S., Shah, I. M., Burgoyne, J., Nazri, M., & Salleh, J. R. (2017). The Influence of Motivation on Job Performance: A Case Study at Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 11(4), 92-99.
Kuswati, Y. (2020). The Effect of Motivation on Employee Performance. Budapest International Research and Critics Institute (BIRCI-Journal): Humanities and Social Sciences, 3(2), 995-1002.
Nabi, M. N., Islam, M. M., Dip, T. M., & Hossian, M. A. A. (2017). THE IMPACT OF MOTIVATION ON EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCES: A CASE STUDY OF KARMASANGSTHAN BANK LIMITED, BANGLADESH. International Journal of Business and Management Review, 5(4), 57-78.
Olusadum, N. J., & Anulika, N. J. (2018). Impact of Motivation on Employee Performance: A Study of Alvan Ikoku Federal College of Eduaction. Journal of Management and Strategy, 9(1), 53-65.
Omollo, P. A. (2015). Effect of motivation on employee performance of commercial banks in Kenya: A case study of Kenya Commercial Bank in Migori County. International Journal of Human Resource Studies, 5(2), 87-103.
Rizwan, M., Tariq, M., Hassan, R., & Sultan, A. (2014). A Comparative Analysis of the Factors Effecting the Employee Motivation and Employee Performance in Pakistan. International Journal of Human Resource Studies, 4(3), 35-49.
Salleh, F., Dzulkifli, Z., Abdullah, W. A. W., & Ariffin, N. H. M. Y. (2011). The Effect of Motivation on Job Performance of State Government Employees in Malaysia. International Journal of Humanities and Social Science, 1(4), 147-154.