
Explain internships are an investment in future

Discussion :

1 Internships are an investment in your future. They provide you with the building blocks for your desired career goal.
Share with your classmates in the discussion section of D2L how the internship experience thus far has changed or confirmed your career goals. Explain your changes or confirmation in 2 to 3 sentences and respond to at least 2 to 3 classmates with appropriate comments and/or inquiries.

2 Subscribe

My internship has helped me with supervisory experience. I hire, orientate, and counsel college students on job sites to gain experience and earn money while in college.; this program is known as the Federal Work-Study Program. It has confirmed my desire to move up into management working to lead a team and department to levels of great work ethics and success.

1 Internship

I am currently interning at hospital emergency room. Interning there has confirmed my career goal of wanting to work in the medical field. However, I do not want to start off in a doctor's office due to the slowness of the flow and the pay. I am currently an EMT and the emergency room setting gives me an adrenaline rush that I crave in the work setting.

2 Internship Confirmation

Interning at a Health Care Non-Profit has been a truly enlightening experience. Not only am I empowered and encouraged by the staff there, but the work itself is both challenging and revitalizing. I have been involved in activities to include learning how an infectious disease clinic functions on the clinical side, in addition to the financial aspect. These duties have included learning about order entries, year-end financial operations, and researching and compiling data to develop a medical billing and coding manual for the anticipated billing department. To put it briefly, this internship experience has further confirmed my desired career goals.

3 Internship Confirmation

My internship experience has confirmed my career goal. I am currently working in the Advising/Testing center at the technical college in my area. Working with the students in this capacity has shown me that this is the ideal occupation for me. Advising students on this level is a very important task, something that should be taken seriously because it deals with their future. I most definitely will be looking for this type of employment upon graduation.

4 Internship

My internship has confirmed what I my career goals. I have been able to experience coaching, athletic training and the business aspect within my internship. It has confirmed that I would like to coach. With this internship I have been able to establish connections while building on the knowledge that i have acquired that will help me prosper after graduation.

5 The first impression.

My internship has confirmed my career goals. This worksite has given me the opportunity to see how valuable strong business knowledge is to your company's overall success in addition to a product that is in high demand. I see that I am a good fit for future positions in human resource and administration, but luckily I have more skills to offer as wearing multiple hats is common.

6 Internship experience


My internship is a nonprofit and I love it. I've met so many people that can help me in many ways. Some of the things we do are life changing. This has definitely confirmed my career choice. Right now as I type this, I'm getting ready for a conference at Sanford University on social transformation. Something that I'm all for.

7 Hospice Internship

. My internship has confirmed my career goal of wanting to run a department or facility. My site supervisor is the Volunteer Coordinator and I have learned how to do her position as well as Admissions Department, Medical Records Department, and Office Manager/Human Resource Department in such a short time. I look forward to gaining more knowledge on how to run a hospice business office efficiently and effectively.

8 Internship

Subscribe. I work in four different departments at the hospital given me lots of exposurer and knowledge in the medical field. I am currently working in cardiovascular, labor and delivery,financial accounting departments and women breast cancer center. All four departments are very highly diverse. Allowing me the opportunity to interact with patient's while learning about the medical vocation fields for employment.

9 DCSC Internship...... Counselor

I'm currently doing my Internship as a Guidance Counselor! Everything has been truly amazing! I am so excited that I choice to do my internship at the school and enjoy the students and the different activities that I've been apart of. I've learned a lot of things that I did not realize the counselor was responsible for. I now know I am on the right path with my career choice. I'm so excited about one of the major plans coming up that we have been working on which is Career day

10 Internship

My internship so far has been a real eye opener as to what path I would like to take in the human service field. My life long goal of service is actually becoming a reality. I am currently learning about the federal and state regulations for childwelfare. The information is a lot but, my supervisor and her staff makes learning a team effort. She is a licensed Social Worker and that is a path I am looking into after graduation but, haven't quite narrow the program as of yet. I will take all the advice and lessons to help make my choice at the end of the internship. I'm really glad to have an opportunity to learn.

11 Internship

Hello everyone,
My internship has definitely confirmed things for me as far as knowing that I want to have my own business. My site supervisor has her own business and also a non-profit and for profit organizations. She has taught me so much already like things that can only be learned and obtained from someone that is experienced and can teach you first hand. I enjoy my internship and look forward to the new projects that I receive.

12 Internship Experience

Hi Class,
I believe the first few weeks of my internship ata school district warehouse has been an enlightening and rewarding experience so far. I have become more knowledgeable into how large volumes of products and supplies are processed and timely distributed through effective teamwork and communication. However, most noteworthy is the consistent high level of professionalism that is displayed by individuals throughout each departments and schools. I highly value these important areas of service as it will assist in my growth towards becoming a successful entrepreneur.

13 Healthcare or Social Work?

Contains unread posts

My internship has really been very helpful in helping me think about my career. I work in a hospital where I get to meet a lot of people. I pay attention to who is in the room every time. I also pay attention to details as to what is happening in the room and where everything is placed. I believe my focus is highly important in order for me to understand people. My career choice is to be a social worker but I'm not sure what setting of social worker I would like to work in. I think my internship will help me make this decision but so far its too soon to tell. I would like to go to a few more meetings and talk to a few more people about working from home. I think I know what I want to do. I just don't know if I want an office or travel from home to home. My next goal is to find out what will work for me.

14 Investment

During my short period at my internship, I have gained much more knowledge what my career field entails. More so, I have learned that applied skills are beneficial in capturing a full perspective of what I have obtained in my last four years of college. Going forward, I am excited to build on my confirmation in the past few weeks at my internship.

15 Office of Recruitment & Admissions Welcome Center Internship

My internship is helping me grasp my career goals of running my own business. My site supervisor Event Coordinator has provided me with innovative projects to practice my leadership and presentation skills. She also has given me task that help with organizational skills, such as word and power point skills as well keeping up with inventory on materials around the office. This internship is sending me in the right direction towards being an entrepreneur.

16 Corporate Recruiting Internship

My internship has confirmed my career goals. My site supervisor is the Director of Recruiting, she is driven and innovative which makes learning exciting. Although, I am very busy I am gaining a wealth of knowledge in all aspects of recruiting. This internship is providing me with the skill-set to transition into a corporate recruiter once I graduate.

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HR Management: Explain internships are an investment in future
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