
Explain inductive reasoning-deductive reasoning on evidence

You are veteran homicide investigator. You are called to a homicide scene. When you arrive on scene you are the most experienced investigator so you are in charge. You have three additional detectives who have arrived to help. 

You need to address the following:

(1) Describe the scene.  What is the location, what does it look like etc?  Examine the body and tell me what the body looks like.  Any obvious signs of death?Lividity is present and that needs to be described.  Pretend I'm your boss and I want to know all the details about what is going on with that body and homicide scene.  Because I'm your boss and I'm kind of a jerk, I want DETAILS!  Remember, you're an expert so you should be descriptive and you should be professional.

(2) Assign your detective detail to different important tasks. Now, these detectives are total rookies. When you assign them their jobs that they must complete, you have to be thorough.  Remember, this is a homicide. You can't afford any screw ups.

(3) Now, based on what you find, come up with a possibility as to how the murder occurred. You can use either inductive reasoning or deductive reasoning based on evidence on scene.

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Other Subject: Explain inductive reasoning-deductive reasoning on evidence
Reference No:- TGS0548153

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