
Explain in what tangible ways children and families will


Diversity, Equity, and Social Justice. Note: This Application Assignment is also a Major Assessment for this course. It is time now to examine and articulate the knowledge and understanding you have gained in the past weeks, and synthesize your thinking based on what you have learned and experienced in this course.

First, review the four core propositions which form the context of this course: Diversity starts with you: You play many different roles in life, called "social identities," and together these social identities make yo who you are. Through your social identities you represent human diversity.

A person''s diverse self comes to life, evolves, and exists within the milieu of the ''family''. Each ''family'' is diverse itself; each has its own different family cultures); and family culture(s) interact dynamically with the diverse world. Conflicts and inequities arise when diversity is conceptualized and experienced as "problem" and when individuals and/or institutions resist/ are in opportunity to diversity.

Equity and social justice are more likely attainable when diversity conceptualized and experienced as opportunity. Next, review your Diversity Profile and examine your responses to the assignments in each week. Take time to analyze the ways in which your answers reflect a growing understanding of the four core propositions above. Then, consider any changes in your thinking with regard to diversity, equity and social justice.Please answer all the questions. To complete the assignment, reflect on and write your response to the following: In your own words, rewrite/ summarize the four core propositions that form the foundation for this course.

Articulate at least one insight that you gained with regard to each of the four propositions, and explain ways in which your current thinking about these propositions has changed from the beginning of the course. Choose four of the "ism" and demonstrate your understanding of the nature of these ''isms'' by creating and writing four brief scenarios in which people interact with each other. (These interactions can be between children, adults and children, or between adults; include verbal and non-verbal interaction; and expressions of microaggressions and/or bias and/or prejudice.

Be sure to indicate in the title of each scenario which "ism" each of the four scenarios represents). Discuss in what ways the study of the eight "isms" (racism, classism, ableism, and religion-ism, sexism, heterosexism, LGBT-ism, and ageism, has informed and influenced your professional life as it relates to promoting and advancing the well-being of young children and their families. Explain why it is vital that early childhood professionals understand the nature of privilege and oppression.

Articulate at least one consequence of this understanding related to your career as an early childhood. Choose three examples from the video "Diversity and Equity Work: Lessons Learned'' that demonstrate ways in which a "lesson learned'' turned into a motivator for doing diversity work.

Explain in what tangible ways children and families will most likely benefit from your work with them related to "lessons" you learned. Respond to a colleague''s query: What does it mean to have a deep understanding of diversity, equity, and social justice?

Support your response by citing resources from throughout this course. (Anti-Bias Education for Young children and ourselves, Boutte, G. (2008) Beyond the illusion of diversity: How early childhood teachers can promote social justice. Hyland, N.E. (2010). Social justice in early childhood classrooms. Larkin, E., & Kaplan, M.S. (2010). Intergenerational relationships at the center: YC: Young Children).

Explain what assumptions, if any, have been dispelled due to your work in this course.

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Essay Writing: Explain in what tangible ways children and families will
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