
Explain how your personality influences your design choices


First, read pages 72-26 in the chapter, the Powerpoint, the posted articles in this week's module, and take the 2 personality assessments (Big Five and Meyers-Briggs - links are in this week's Module).

Then, reflect on and write on your how your personality relates to your design choices. Use the following guidelines to write the paper:

1) First paragraph: Introduce what you will be writing about - in general, how does personality relate to design. Use the readings to help you explain.

2) Next paragraph(s): Discuss, in detail, your own personality using the chapter, PPT, and/or resources and the results of the personality assessments (summaries - don't just copy and paste the results of them). Make sure you make connections between the course material and your description of your personality.

3) Next paragraph(s): Explain how your personality influences your design choices (e.g. room/home decor, clothing styles, architecture preferences, fine art interests, color preferences, ...). Be specific and provide examples - you are welcome to include photos to support your claims.

4) Last paragraph: Reflect on what you learned from doing this project

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