
Explain how your identify obstacles are similar or different


Systemic racism, historical injustices, a lack of resources, and a lack of representation in decision-making positions are all barriers to racial equality. Systemic racism is the uneven distribution of resources and opportunities based on race. DiNitto, D. M, & Johnson, D. H. (2016) Inequitable access to housing, healthcare, education, employment, and other resources might be a manifestation of this. Historical injustices are the consequences of slavery and Jim Crow legislation that continues to affect the lives of people of color today. People of color are more likely to live in poverty and have limited access to educational and economic resources, which may be a barrier. Finally, the absence of representation in decision-making positions fosters inequality by preventing people of color from voicing their ideas and participating in policymaking.


As said in the video Not in Our Town (n.d.), they talked about how this person that did this was not born with hate and racism, that this person had to have been taught this. I feel like this is a correct statement. People are not born with hate for others, they are taught this by those around them. Until people start seeing others as people instead of their color, gender, religion, etc., this will always be an obstacle. Racial equality has gotten better, but it is nowhere close to where it needs to be (DiNitto & Johnson, 2016). Another obstacle is stereotyping others to be or act a certain way because of their race or ethnicity (DiNitto & Johnson, 2016). We need to stop perceiving people as how we think they will be. We just need to treat people as human beings

Explain how your identified obstacles are similar or different.

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