
Explain how your current qualifications match up to the

Writing Assignment

In this Assignment, you will research career options using electronic libraries/databases, then write about your chosen career.

This Assignment will assess your knowledge based on the following outcomes:

GEL-1.1: Demonstrate college-level communication through the composition of original materials in Standard American English.

GEL-6.5: Use electronic libraries/databases for research purposes.

There are numerous career options available to business and finance graduates. You can begin careers in government, the non-profit sector, corporate finance, banking, investments and wealth management, education and other fields. However, it is useful to know the expected salaries and the projected job demand for a particular skill set prior to spending years acquiring the expertise to work in that field.

One of the ways you can learn more about a particular career is to research that career using various resources. For assistance in your search you can use the Kaplan University Library and the Center for Excellence in Financial Services to assist in your expository paper. Then using various resources write a onetwo page paper regarding your chosen career including:

1. The job description
2. Explanation of the skill set needed to perform the job
3. The demand for the job
4. Salary projections for the chosen career field
5. Explain how your current qualifications match up to the skills needed
6. Explain the websites you have visited and what you learned from each
7. Cite at least 3 search references using APA format

Assignment Checklist:

? Write your original response in Standard American English, paying special attention to grammar, style, and mechanics.
? Respond to each area in a thorough manner, providing specific facts and figures and matching your skills to the qualifications needed.
? Ensure that your all information is clearly stated and cited.
? Demonstrate logical and appropriate transitions from one idea to another.
? Your paper should be highly organized, logical, and focused and demonstrate original thought.
? Your paper should be a minimum of one - two pages.
? Make sure you write and cite your work and reference all materials used for your research using APA format.
? Make sure to address the critical elements listed above and in the grading Rubric below to demonstrate your competence of the outcome you are being assessed on.

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Dissertation: Explain how your current qualifications match up to the
Reference No:- TGS02195716

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