A. Describe the school and the student population that includes key demographic details: include background information about your school, student population, grade level and current knowledge, city and state, school ranking, test scores, and income level.
B. Explain how your assessment plan can promote learning and an inclusive environment. Provide a rationale.
C. Come up with an assessment that includes the following sections:
a. General learning target
b. Timeframe
c. Formative assessment
d. Summative assessment
e. Grade weights
D. Come up with an assessment plan for one unit or module that includes three assessment techniques.
E. Pick one of the units or modules you wrote and come up with an assessment plan that includes three assessment techniques. Include the following in each assessment technique:
a. Assessment description
b. Explanation of the purpose of the assessment
c. Explanation of the activities that students will be doing
d. Rationale for using this assessment technique
e. Strategies for inclusion
f. Explain how the assessment plan promotes an inclusive environment.
F. Summarize the work that you have done in the conclusion section.