You should start by identifying a real setting that you are familiar with. Describe the organizational structure of that company (front line to senior management), the target consumer, and provide a brief background on the company. Select a particular division or department within the organization and pinpoint 3-5 critical business results, 3 pinpointed behaviors that front line personnel can do to impact results and 3 pinpointed behaviors supervisors can do to impact your identified results. If possible, meet with members of the organization to discuss these behaviors and results and get an idea of the needs of the organization. Describe how you would measure these behaviors and results and identify some potential OBM intervention you would use based on the needs of the organization. Finally explain how you would rollout your targeted intervention(s) in a way that will impact performance, impact your targeted results, and sustain. The goal is to use the tools learned in this course to show how you would apply OBM principles to your identified system.