
Explain how you would know when situation had been resolved


Simon is a young man from Malaysia who has severe autism and a moderate intellectual disability. He tends to be physically aggressive and is often picked on by other students at the TAFE college where he attends a training program. You are his support worker and provide support during his travel to and from TAFE and while he is in class and on breaks. The other students sometimes tease Simon about being from Malaysia and make racist jokes about him in order to get him to react. They then laugh at Simon when he gets into trouble in class for yelling or hitting the table in anger.

Explain your role in resolving this situation, and how would you deal with it to support Simon as best you can and to calm and reassure him.

Nominate how you should seek assistance from anyone else to resolve this problem, and if so, who and why.

Explain how you would know when the situation had been resolved satisfactorily.

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Reference No:- TGS03301297

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