
Explain how you would engage the client in treatment



• NTAKE DATE: November 2021


This is a voluntary intake for this 24 year old Jamaican male. Badrick has had several psychiatric hospitalizations in the past. Badrick has been married for 5 years. His wife, Rayona was born and raised in the United States. He has one son 5 years old and one daughter, 3 years old. Badrick has had difficulty in jobs and has not been at any job longer than one year. Badrick immigrated to the United States with his parents when he was 6 years old.


My wife is complaining about my behavior. I do not see what the issue is".


Badrick reports first seeking psychiatric treatment when he was sixteen years old. He was prescribed anti-depressants, but does not remember what kind. Since they helped his mood he remained on anti-depressants for four years. At twenty years old he attempted suicide after his wife threatened to leave him. He was hospitalized in a psychiatric unit for thirty days. At that time Badrick was put on Depakote, with continued success for three years. He stopped taking the Depakote 1 years ago.

In September 2021 Badrick returned to his psychiatrist because he was becoming depressed again, feeling sad, fearful and suicidal. He was given Trintellex. During the next few weeks Badrick felt on top of the world. He then would have angry outbursts. His wife asked him to leave the home. He then took an overdose of Klonopin.

More recently Rayona was getting concerned about their financial state because Badrick would constantly be buying big items that they could not afford. They would have arguments about this all the time. Badrick was rarely sleeping because he was up shopping at night on the Internet. This had no effect on his ability to work.


At twenty one Badrick began drinking. His use of alcohol continued increasingly until about 6 months ago. He reports never planning on drinking as much as he did but once he started he was compelled to drink until he passed out. He stopped drinking after attending outpatient treatment for 16 weeks. He began drinking in September 2021 again, Badrick indicates, to cope with the marital difficulties.


Badrick reports growing up as uneventful. His mother separated from his father on several occasions. His mother made all the decisions and his father played a more passive role.

Badrick is the only child from his parents' union. He has an older brother from his mother's previous marriage. Badrick does not have any contact with his brother. Badrick was initially considered an underachiever in the early years of school. He had trouble being in fights with other kids because they used to make fun of his wrinkled clothes.

Badrick has no legal history. He worked in the family business through high school and college. He became a project coordinator at his next job. He stayed there six months years.


Badrick states he had the usual childhood vaccinations and no major illnesses as a child. He currently is physically fit and healthy.


Badrick reports that he is happy in his marriage and does not know why his wife has so much trouble with him. He believes his wife has become more distant from him over the past several years which he doesn't like. Their fighting has increased. Badrick reports his wife is frustrated with his lack of energy and fatigue which has, recently, been impacting their social life and activities with the children.


Badrick presents as a neatly dressed male who appears younger than his stated age. Facial expressions are appropriate to thought content. Motor activity is appropriate. Thoughts are logical and organized. There is no evidence of hallucinations or delusions. Badrick admits to a history of suicidal ideation, gestures and attempts. His mood is depressed. During the interview Badrick talked fast. Badrick is oriented to time, place and person. His intelligence appears above average.


1. Provide the full DSM-5-TR diagnosis for the client. Remember, a full diagnosis should include the name of the disorder, ICD-10-CM code, specifiers, severity, and the Z codes (other conditions that may need clinical attention). Keep in mind a diagnosis covers the most recent 12 months.

2. Explain the diagnosis by matching the symptoms identified in the case to the specific criteria for the diagnosis.

3. Describe the assessment(s) you would use to validate the client's diagnosis, clarify missing information, or track her progress.

4. Summarize how you would explain the diagnosis to the client.

5. Explain how you would engage the client in treatment, identifying potential cultural considerations related to substance use.

6. Describe your initial recommendations for the client's treatment and explain why you would recommend MAT or ABT.

7. Identify specific resources to which you would refer the client. Explain why you would recommend these resources based on the client's diagnosis and other identity characteristics (e.g., age, sex, gender, sexual orientation, class, ethnicity, religion, etc.).

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Reference No:- TGS03220348

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