
Explain how you will establish rapport with mugabo family


Case Study

One afternoon Marcia returns back to the organisation from a home visit and is very distressed. The family she visited are refugees from Rwanda and are experiencing difficulty in settling into Australia. There has been a lot of marriage tension, with both parents showing signs/symptoms of trauma from their life in Africa. The Mugabo family have three young children aged under 7 years old.

Marcia informs you, she learnt Mr Mugabo had been arrested for violently assaulting his wife Mercy, because he saw her talking with another male from their local area. Mercy was taken to hospital and released the next day with a broken arm in plaster. Mercy was distraught, as her husband had been arrested for the assault and The Department of Child Safety are now conducting an investigation into the family, due to Domestic and family violence. The Department of Child Safety observed signs of physical abuse on the children (due to being excessively disciplined by both parents). Mercy does not understand why the Department is involved.

Marcia states, whilst visiting the family and learning of the assault, she felt "frozen" and was unable to provide empathy to the mother. She states how tired she feels from helping families and when she was in a refugee camp herself in Uganda, everyone used to come to her, to sort out their problems.

Marcia then begins to discuss her own home situation and appears very distressed when talking about this. Marcia tells you, over the past few months her husband has become violent, with her and their children. She asks you not to tell anyone at work, as she needs the job and doesn't want anything to interfere with her employment. Marcia says her husband doesn't mean to hurt her and the children, it's because he has a lot of problems going on and cannot accept that things that were permitted in Africa, are not permitted in Australia.

Your manager informs you that Marcia is unable to continue working with the family. She advises that you will take over and the Mugabo family will now be your clients.


A. Explain how you will establish rapport with the Mugabo family and overcome barriers when you begin working with them? (e.g. Language, Cultural understandings etc.)

B. How might your own values and beliefs impact on how you relate to Mr Mugabo when he returns to the family? How will you ensure that the support you provide will be free from discrimination?

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Reference No:- TGS03294643

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