
Explain how you used each of the three types of covariation


• Explain what the covariation principle is and indicate what each of the three important types of covariation information are (i.e., label and define/describe each). Now I want you to come up with an example of a time in which you assessed the casualty of someone else's behavior (it's very likely that you did this on the day you read this assignment). First, generally describe the attribution you made (i.e., who did it involve, what was the behavior/event you were attributing causality to, what was the inferred "cause" that you arrived at). Next, apply your example to the covariation principle: Explain how you used each of the three types of covariation information when you made that attribution (and be sure to explain why you're making your positions). Last, specify whether the attribution you made was more internal/dispositional or external/situational and explain why you think so, using information from the reading to support your argument(s).

• Describe/define the attribution errors/biases outlined in the reading: (i) self-serving bias, (ii) fundamental attribution error, (iii) just world hypothesis, and (iv) actor-observer difference. Next, provide specific examples (from your own life) for each of the attribution errors/biases. For actor-observer difference, you can focus on an example in which you compared choices that you've made about something with someone else's choices regarding that same thing. Be sure to explicitly address how/why your examples exemplify each respective error/bias (e.g., "This is an example of self-serving bias because [insert justification connecting back to info from the reading]"). Last, pick one of your four examples and elaborate on a possible negative psychological or social consequence/outcome of making that faulty attribution (e.g., indicate how that attribution misguided your subsequent behavior).

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