
Explain how to revise the soap note

Problem: Explain how to revise the SOAP note to include the correct medical terms and an accurate documentation of the patient's diagnosis:


CHIEF COMPLANT: 72 yr. old gentleman of Dr. K. Derby's who presents with chest pain. HISTORY OF PRESENT ILNESS: Mr. Gibbon is a very cheery sort of fellow. He is very pleasant. He looks as though he probably should be running some sort of hardware store commercial. He states that today while he was preparing breakfast, in the restroom he suffered some chess discomfort. He is a little bit vague as to where his chest really is. He felt it in his back, he felt it in his jaw. He took a couple of Nitroglycerine in sequence three minutes apart and felt better. Apparently, this has been occurring a little more frequently recently. All these things are nebulous. If it wasn't for his wife I think he would deny everything. According to his wife, he has been having more frequent episodes and has gained a fair amount of wait over the winter. He has had little physical activity. His pastor who is with him and often serves as his spokesman, stated that he had hunted this past fall without having to take any medication. However, he said the pace was quite controlled and he really didn't do very much in the way of heavy exercise. The patient has a history of an mycocardial infraction in 1981. Underwent catheterisation. Apparently, no surgery was necessary. There is also some question about him having a lot of indijestion from time to time and it is not clear whether it is cardiac or GI. Because of his prior cardiac history, the progression of his chest pane, the uncertainty of its origin, he will be admitted for further evaluation and treatmant. PAST MEDICAL HISTORY: Is essentially that listed above. SOCIAL HISTORY & FAMILY HISTORY: The patient is married. Doesn't smoke, although he had in the past. Doesn't drink. There is no disease common in the family. Objective REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: Negative. VITAL SIGNS: Temperature of 97.6 (Normal = 96.6 - 100.6), pulse is 65 (Normal = 60 - 100), respirations 18 (Normal = 12 - 20), blood pressure 118/78 (Normal = 120/80 or below). HEAD: Normocephalic. ENT: Eyes -sclera and conjunctiva normal. PERRL, EOM's intact. Fundi reveal arteriolar narrowing. ENT are unremarkable. NECK: Supple. No thyromegaly. Carotids are 2 out of 4. No bruits, no jugular venous distention. CHEST: Symmetrical. Clear to auscultation and percussion. HEART: Regular rhythm without any particular murmurs or gallops. ABDOMEN: Nontender. No organomegaly. Bowel sounds normal activity. No bruits or masses. BACK: No CVA tenderness nor tenderness to percussion over the spinous processes. GENITALIA: Normal male. RECTAL: Good sphincter tones. Stool is hemoccult negative. Prostate is normal in size. EXTREMITIES: No cyanosis, clubbing or edema. Pulses equal and full. NEUROLOGIC: Is physiologic. Assessment l) Chest pain, etiology to be determined 2) Hypertension 3) Tachypnea 4) Bradycardia Plan Schedule for stress test 4/28, 1230 if possible

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