
Explain how to ensure that the plan is person-centered

Case Study: Jada from Hart City who is a domestic violence victim from her husband of eight years, Malcolm. He abuses her physically, emotionally and verbally. Jada was a used as a child. Malcolm goes to her work place and causes a scene quite often, falsely accusing her of having an affair with a coworker. She has worked very hard at work and was rewarded with a promotion, the position that she desired. Jada was subsequently fired from her job. Now that she is not working she is afraid to leave her abuser, she is concerned about where she would live. She suffered a miscarriage during her marriage to Malcolm, she fell into a deep depression afterwards, which is compounded by the abuse. They live in a large 3 bedroom apartment, Malcolm works outside the home most days and goes home in his lunch time unannounced just to check up on his wife. She takes her computer and visit the local library to browse the internet without having Malcolm looking over her shoulder. Jada needs a safe place to live, she needs mental health counseling for all the trauma since childhood until now. She needs a new job.

"Justify your plan, based on your service user, their strengths, and their needs."

"Explain how to ensure that the plan is person-centered. (That is, how would empower the service user to engage in the planning instead of relying on you for answers? How would you ensure the service user has choice and dignity?)"

Assess what is missing from your plan, based on gaps in the case study. List 2-3 further questions you would ask to get the needed information. Then, explain how you would engage the service user if they only answer the questions with " I don't know."

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Other Subject: Explain how to ensure that the plan is person-centered
Reference No:- TGS03238063

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