
Explain how this particular standard copy and paste the

Discussion Question

Common Core State Standards

The Common Core State Standards (CCSS) were developed by the National Governors Association and the Council of Chief State School Officers with the input from teachers, parents, administrators, researchers and education experts from across the country. The intent of the CCSS initiative has been to develop challenging and relevant expectations that are uniform across states and districts for what students are to learn at each grade level to be prepared for college. While the intent may be for standards to be consistent across states and districts, it is left up to the individual teacher, school, or district to design and implement curriculum aligned with the Common Core Standards. Most states have already implemented the standards for mathematics and English. The Next Generation Science Standards are now available.

Watch the Next Generation Science Standards video.

Historically, the United States has not been a leader in science education. After watching the video and reviewing the Science Standards by grade level or topic, choose one standard and explain how this particular standard (copy and paste the standard into your response) will allow the United States to become competitive in science and technology.


Links are provided.

Book: Webb. L. D. (2014). History of American education: Voices and perspectives. San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint Education, Inc.

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Dissertation: Explain how this particular standard copy and paste the
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