
Explain how this might present a problem if we calculate a

Are podcasts a drain on students' time, or does the information they contain help students do better in school? You collect data on the number of pod - casts each student downloads per month and each student's GPA.

When we calculate regression equations (just as when we calculate cor relation coefficients), it's important to construct a scatterplot first. Let's say that really poor students don't download podcasts very often, maybe because they don't use their computers much at all, and really good students don't download podcasts very often, maybe because they're too busy studying to have time to listen.

Explain how this might present a problem if we calculate a simple linear regression equation to predict GPA from number of podcasts downloaded, and explain how a scatterplot might help us identify the problem.

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Basic Statistics: Explain how this might present a problem if we calculate a
Reference No:- TGS02215266

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