
Explain how the various postmodern critical criminologies

During the Enlightenment period of the 18th and 19th centuries, the social world contained a "natural" order that could be discovered by the scientific method, thus a "modern" form of thought or philosophy emerged. In the decades of the 70's and 80's a new group, called "post-modernists" rebuked the modernists thought; the post modernists also concluded that there are no universally accepted "grand narratives" prescribing a cure for crime. Rather, they advanced the proposition that crimes were what official institutions defined them as -thus, a "new" way to understand crime causation arose.

Explain how the various postmodern critical "criminologies," exposed the repressive practices of domination, inequality, and inhumanity found within the structure of power in society. Who do you think was effected most, and by which practice?

Must be at least 150 words

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Dissertation: Explain how the various postmodern critical criminologies
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