
Explain how the setting demonstrates each of key principles


Submit a paper in which you address the following four areas:

A. Describe the agency setting. Is it public or private, non-profit or for-profit? Is the agency's primary goal to serve trauma survivors? Approximately what percentage of clients would be defined as trauma survivors?

B. Explain how the setting demonstrates each of the 6 key principles. Provide examples.

C. Using the sample questions as a guide, assess each of the 10 implementation domains at the agency and explain which key principles are evident in each domain.

D. Provide specific recommendations for improving each of the principles that are not well implemented. Be specific about (a) organizational, (b) environmental, (c) programmatic, and/or (4) administrative changes that would need to occur for your agency to implement a trauma-informed approach.

E. Explain potential barriers to creating trauma-informed services in this setting and how you might address these barriers.

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Reference No:- TGS03308260

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