
Explain how the rule making process relates to health care

Sharing the rulemaking information with the other leaders is very collaborative and respectful leadership as a CEO this is what will make your goals, missions, and objectives work together seamlessly. We would like to thank-you for your request on needing some information regarding rulemaking and as a team we have decided to discuss with you about the JC Website, "Evaluating and Responding to Suicide Risk."

In this report we will begin to discuss how the rulemaking process relates to the health care organizations, how this rule was implemented, which agencies or regulatory bodies will be responsible for overseeing it, and how the healthcare organizations or healthcare industries are impacted by the rules. We as a team think this JC Website has many tools and practices for consideration about the rulemaking information and will definitely be very helpful within your request on rulemaking within your healthcare organization.

Explain how the rule making process relates to health care organizations (DEBORAH)

Relating Rule-Making Processes to Health Care Organizations

Inpatient suicides in health care organizations although rare are a traumatic sentinel events. Health care facilities are required to operate under transparently disclosing all events to the public. Hospitals in the United States report sentinel events to The Joint Commission on the Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO). JCAHO complied this information and prepared a root cause analysis to determine if the current procedure that the organization has in place could have prevented the incident.

A 1998 JCAHO sentinel event alert report stated that inpatient suicide most frequently occurred in psychiatric hospitals followed by general hospitals and residential care facilities (Tishler & Staatas, 2008). Health care organizations are responsible for decreasing the likelihood of sentinel events, which includes a suicide crisis. Factors such as patient care, staff training, organizational policies, and the hospital environment all relate to the suicide rule-making process. Suicides are difficult to predict and prevent therefore organizations must create rules and form policies to prevent the risk of suicide.

The impetus for this transparent movement was sparked largely in the 1990s when two prominent reports summarizing the number and type of errors committed by hospitals were published (Tishler & Staatas, 2008). The reports summarized suicide events that required immediate investigation. A rulemaking process and protocol was established to assess for risk and safety of patients. The protocol for suicide risk assessment relates to health care organizations as a safety precaution to decrease the number of inpatient suicides. Therefore the Joint Commission established Issue 56, Evaluating and Responding to Suicide Risk, in 1996 to help organizations improve safety and learn from these adverse suicide events (The Joint Commission, 2016). The Evaluating and Responding to Suicide Risk Policy, Issue 56 expounds on how The Joint Commission partners with organizations to prevent further suicide harm (The Joint Commission, 2016).

Explain how that rule is implemented (YARDLEY)

Implementing Issue 56 Suicide Risk Policy

As authors, P. B Hofmann and Jerry Reed note, in their article Why Suicide Prevention is Part of Popular Health Strategy: "Of particular importance is the need to provide optimal care for patients at risk for suicide. Unfortunately, myths such as suicide not being preventable continue to impede health care providers from reducing preventable deaths even when evidence-based best practices and protocols for doing so are well known and replicable" (2016). The mythic aura that clings to suicide is one of the things that make it less likely to be considered a behavioral phenomenon, or even a treatable disease.

There is the bias that the suicide is just a lost cause. Doesn't the term itself imply taking one's life? But apart from myth, there are certain health care protocol to deal with patient who are suffering from suicidal ideations. The extensive documentation required when treating a suicide is to make the patient's state-of-mind more factual than myth, to liberate her from the stigma that would other attach itself to her will.

The Joint Commission recently published a Sentinel Event Alert on how to prevent suicide in a health care settings. A part of the alert reads: "Treatment of individuals at risk for suicide requires a collaborative approach that acknowledges the ambivalence - the desire to find a solution to their pain versus the innate desire to live - that these patients often feel. A valuable support to traditional risk assessment is to use a risk formulation model - drawn from prevention research and violence assessment - that can help providers to understand a patient's current thoughts, plans, access to lethal means, and acute risk factors" (2016). This emphasis on regulating how suicide is assessed in particular to the specific type of ailment. Just as in every other form of health care regulation, what is ultimately at issue is legality. If a doctor or health care professional (nurse or psychologist) does not rightly assess a suicidal patient and treat her accordingly, should the health care professional be held responsible?

The risk formulation model objectifies the suicidal patient, in a healthy way. The patient be deemed to be suicidal by its standards, not only is the assessment measurable and verifiable by other health care workers, but it might even work to articulate inner feeling that the patient herself is not aware of. Health care workers can't be certain what goes through a suicide's mind before she kills herself. The only reports we have are from survivors. So, administrating the 4 criteria of: "risk status (the patient's risk relative to a specified subpopulation) ...risk state (the patient's risk compared to baseline or other specified time points) ...available resources from which the patient can draw in crisis, and... foreseeable changes that may exacerbate risk" (Hofmann & Jerry, 2016) can potentially let a patient know what they are thinking only unconsciously, yet which is outwardly manifesting itself in their speech and behaviors.

Identify which agency or regulatory body is responsible for overseeing it (ANGIE K)

Explain how healthcare organizations or healthcare industries are impacted by the rule. (GINGER)

Conclusion Lisa?

References 5-7

Hofmann, Paul B. & Reed, Jerry. (2016) Why suicide prevention is part of population health strategy. Hospitals and Health Networks. May 9, 2016. Retrieved Nov. 23 from:

https://www.hhnmag.com/articles/7174-why-suicide-prevention-is-part- of-population Pisani AR, Murrie DC, Silverman MM.

Reformulating suicide risk formulation: from prediction to prevention. Acad Psychiatry. 2015. PubMed doi:10.1007/s4059 6-015-0434-6

The Joint Commission. (2016). Detecting and treating suicide ideation in all settings. Retrieved from


The Joint Commission. (2016, July 1). Sentinel Events (SE). . Retrieved from


Tishler, C.L., & Staatas Reiss, N. (2008, September). Inpatient suicide: preventing a common sentinel event. ScienceDirect, 31, 103-109.

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