Explain how the practice of medicine is becoming increasingly complex. What does it mean for the amount of information people working in clinical settings are expected to know? How can technology be used to educate and update employees on the changing requirements for healthcare professionals?
Back up your writing with terms and concepts from class readings. Remember, these same terms and concepts can be used in your Critical Thinking assignments and in the Portfolio Project, so use the discussion area as a place to practice applying terms and concepts to the situations being addressed.
Your initial posting should be 250-500 words and must be submitted by Thursday, midnight, of this week.
By Sunday of this week, respond to two or more of your classmates, or your instructor, in one of postings in any of the following ways:
Build on something your classmate said.
Explain why and how you see things differently.
Ask a probing or clarifying question.
Share an insight from having read your classmate’s posting.
Offer and support an opinion.
Expand on your classmate’s posting