
Explain how the period of the on-off led blinking is set -

You are a staff engineer in the Blinking Light Division of MegaMoron Communications, Inc., the world's premier design company. Your team is tasked with designing and building an electronic oscillator circuit that generates a square wave which can be used to drive at least one LED, resulting in a blinking light.


You can accomplish this project with the materials included in your teams' circuits kit, however you are free to be creative with the method of achieving a blinking frequency.

Your circuit must use at least one op-amp, one capacitor and one LED. The blinking frequency must be in visible range (< 10Hz) so that you can clearly identify that the LED is constantly switching ON and OFF.

You may use any resource of your choice, except the members of other teams. If you pull a design off the Internet, that is fine, but in your lab report cite where you got it and insure you understand how it works.

Treat your project as if it were proprietary corporate information, i.e. do not disseminate your design in any manner to other teams. Doing so, and being caught, will get anyone involved "fired" (i.e. you will receive a score of 0 for the design and be charged with Academic Dishonesty).

Specific Tasks:

Explain how the period of the on-off LED blinking is set.

Explain how the circuit could be modified in order to have two different LEDs alternating their blinking (one stays off while the other is on, and vice versa). Include a schematic of this revised design.

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Other Engineering: Explain how the period of the on-off led blinking is set -
Reference No:- TGS02603471

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