
Explain how the laws you discuss protect the employee

Discussion Post: Law

There are very specific laws and advocacy efforts to protect individuals with addictions. Only in the past thirty years have people with addictions had legal protection from discrimination (Lawinfo, 2009). Anti-discrimination laws exist to provide people struggling with addiction the opportunity to receive treatment without suffering punitive actions. These include:

a) Affordable Care Act
b) American with Disabilitites Act
c) Children's Health Act
d) Garrett Lee Smith Memorial Act
e) Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act
f) Sober Truth on Preventing (STOP) Underage Drinking Act
g) Trial Law and Order Act (TLOA)

For this Discussion, research the federal Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act and one other act listed above in the Walden Library and reputable Internet sources. Consider how you might respond to the scenario provided utilizing the two acts.


Imagine being at work, when suddenly, a colleague walks in visibly intoxicated. She is being loud, slurring her words, and bumping into people. Realizing that she is disturbing her co-workers, the intoxicated employee walks into the human resources department and tells them she is addicted to alcohol and needs treatment.


Post a brief description of the federal Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act and one other act you chose for this discussion as it relates to addictions. Explain how you might respond to the scenario provided utilizing the two acts. Identify the rights the employee has in this situation. Explain how the laws you discuss protect the employee who violated the company's policy on drunkenness. Explain why such laws might be important.

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Other Subject: Explain how the laws you discuss protect the employee
Reference No:- TGS03206873

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