
Explain how the laws affect the case study this

Discussion: CASE STUDY GENDER DISCRIMINTION GOODYEAR The organization of your post is key because you are now starting to construct the argumentative essay that will become the Week 5 final paper.

The instructions are very detailed. Take the time to read them. The announcements contain a Sample Post that shows you how the instructions realize in an actual post. Make sure to follow its organization and content structure.

You need to organize your Week 3 Post into two paragraphs. In the first paragraph, make sure to include the following: Introduce your case study (GENDER DISCRIMINTAION) by identify the moral problem that will be the subject of your examination. Keep in mind that your case study is the company and NOT the industry to which it belongs.

This portion requires some detail but make the detail count.

In other words, do not address the history of the company, or previous problems. Rather, focus on the moral problem for the case study. State the economic system of the nation in which the company in your case study operates. If it is a multinational company, then focus on the nation in which the particular problem takes place, or is the focus of the material provided to your in the Required Resources (ATTACHMENT PROVIDED). Please note that this statement should take one sentence, not more.

Present the laws that constrain its operations. Keep in mind that laws come in many forms, from Constitutional law, legislation, and case law from law suits that may serve as precedent for future claims. The Required Resources will provide you with all the relevant information so read all the material provided to you in the Required Resources. Moreover, keep in mind that you will also be writing a paper this week on the same case study and becoming informed for the discussion post.

Explain how the laws affect the case study. This introductory paragraph should be factual, well cited, and each citation must have a corresponding reference. Do not put your own points of view or biases in this paragraph. The rest of what you will be writing will present and defend your point of view. But the intro paragraph should only contain relevant facts to the moral problem of the specific case study of the company that you are addressing.

In the second paragraph, you will need to present the following: Your thesis or moral position. These are two names for the same thing: the claim that you want to defend. Please read the announcement on how to formulate a thesis.

Make sure to also read the Hardy, et al. PDF and the relevant sections are indicated in the Required Resources. Above all, your thesis should be a short, clear, non-complex (no modifiers, no subclauses, no explanations) sentence. It should take a clear position on the moral problem that you present in the first paragraph.

AND the thesis should not contain any reference to the ethical theory. This will come in the next sentence. The ethical theory with which you identify the most.

This means: of all three ethical theories, present the one that you would employ in all moral problems that you encounter in your life. Make sure to describe this ethical theory in detail, at least the two main characteristics as indicated in the Week 1 Guidance. After this, explain how this ethical theory supports your thesis. Nothing else should be in this paragraph.

Attachment:- Discussion and Sample.zip

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: Explain how the laws affect the case study this
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