1. Draw a nephron and label the following structures: Bowman's capsule, proximal convoluted tubule (PCT), Loop of Henle (descending and ascending limb), distal convoluted tubule (DCT), collecting ducts and aquaporins.
Indicate with the letter "F" where filtration takes place, "R" where reabsorption takes place, "S" where secretion takes place and "E" where excretion takes place (2 points).
2. Explain how the kidney increases blood pressure through aldosterone secretion. Start with angiotensinogen and end with increased BP. A flow chart/diagram is recommended.

3. Imagine this lab was your formal report. On the back side of this page (or typed up), complete the introduction section as if it was a formal report. Refer to the course syllabus on how to write an introduction if needed.