
Explain how the firm has made the world a better place

Portfolio 1: Lesson 1 Assignment

Deliverables: 1. List a firm that you believe follows a societal orientation.

2. List one of the firm's products or services that you feel serves the best interest of consumers and society.

3. Explain how the firm has made the world a better place through its products and services.

4. What are your feelings about Coca-Cola?

a. Are they doing anything wrong?

b. Pretend you are a consultant to the CEO of the Coca-Cola Company. As a wise consultant, you understand that Coca-Cola must provide a return for its shareholders, make customers happy, and try to silence the critics that threaten its business. What would be your advice? Come up with at least two compelling ideas, and explain your reasoning.

Please keep in mind for all of your assignments. This is a business management class. More important, it is a marketing course and you should think of the instructor as a client. Everything you create should be well formatted and easy to read just as if you were communicating to a prospective client of your marketing firm. Everything counts! Spelling, grammar, format, etc.

Lesson 2 Assignment

Deliverables: 1. What are the top three trends for your age group that may affect the products and services you purchase?

2. Given the consumer environment you live in, suggest a brand new idea or a recently introduced product or service that will ride the wave of consumer interest.

3. Explain why that product would be successful in today's marketing environment.

Lesson 3 Assignment

Deliverables: 1. McDonald's has a global presence. Its fast food restaurants are found in countries around the world. But what about the menu? Is it the same everywhere?

a. Search the Internet for "McDonald's International Menu" or other terms that will help you learn about the types of food they are serving in countries other than the United States.

b. Think about the types of restaurants you might visit regularly and consider the menu items you found on McDonald's menus around the world. What do you think are the strangest items offered by McDonald's in other countries that you would NEVER want to eat, and why?

2. Pretend you are going to test a new business concept by opening some "McDonald's International," or "McGlobal" restaurants in a few major U.S. Cities.

a. Select 10 or more items from the McDonald's international menu, list each item and explain why you think it would be a big hit if it were offered at your new chain of "McGlobal" restaurants.

3. Is globalization bad? How are nations like India being affected?

a. Does globalization create opportunity for advancement within developing nations, or does it contribute to the demise of traditional values? Explain thoroughly and give reasons for your key points.

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Marketing Management: Explain how the firm has made the world a better place
Reference No:- TGS02765945

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