1. Cultural
Describe the relationship between the cultural beliefs and biases identiied and the social issue and provie specific examples to support. For example, yo might describe how the cultural belief is related to bias based on race, ethnicity, gender, expression of gender, age, sexual orientation, or social class.
Explain how the cultural beliefs and biases identified in the presentation help me better understand the social issue.
2. Social Roles
Descibe the relationship between the social roles identified in the PowerPoint and the social issue and provide specific examples to support. For example, yo might describe how the relationship is positive, negative, or strained. In your response, y might consider what expectations are in place because of the social roles. Exlain how the social roles identified in the PowerPoint help me better understand the social issue.
3. Social Inequalities
Describe the relationship between the social inequalities identified above and the social issue. Ho is the social inequalities present in the issue?
Expain how the social inequalities identified in the PowerPoint help me better understand the social issue.
4. Impact of Social Change
Dscribe how the social issue is challenging the existing state or conditions, exmpls.
How might the social issue facilitate change for the existing state or conditions?