
Explain how the concept relates to the strategy

Individual Final Project

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Choose one of the businesses below and write a case study paper concerning the company's CRM efforts. Search on the internet to find strategies and tactics behind the efforts. You are required to have references - at least three plus referencing your textbook (which is required). Discuss the strategy, the tactics, the purpose and any other information you can find about the CRM efforts of the company and how it relates to the course content. Tell me everything you find out about their current and past CRM efforts. Please distinguish between current efforts and past efforts. List all references - don't plagiarize. Your paper must be between 2-4 pages.
Company choices:

• Starbucks
• Kroger
• Cabela's
• Best Buy
• Amazon.com
• Zappos
• Safeway
• Nordstrom
• Mariott
• Tesco
• Disney


1. For this project, include two concepts the text that you can apply to the content of your paper.

a. State the terminology/concept you are applying

b. Explain what that concept is based on the text's definition

c. Explain how the concept relates to the strategy or tactic you are discussing.

d. Bold this sentence so I can easily see it.

2. Organize your paper by first describing the objectives (purpose), then the strategy or strategies and then the tactics used by the business. You should use these three terms as individual headings.

Here are the definitions of objective, strategy, tactics:

Objective - something that one's efforts or actions are intended to attain or accomplish; purpose; goal; target.

Marketing Meaning: A measurable end point (i.e. 2,000 contest entries, 200% Web traffic increase, DM/Email Response rate, Mentions in X, Y or Z media outlets, etc.). If you can't look back on a campaign and say yes or no to an objective - it wasn't an objective in the first place.

Strategy - a plan, method, or series of maneuvers or stratagems for obtaining a specific goal or result: a strategy for getting ahead in the world.

Marketing Meaning: This is a campaign idea or a roll-up of a series of initiatives that all fit on the same plan (i.e. If objective is X number of sign-ups for an email newsletter, then a possible strategy would be hold a contest with an opt-in option for a newsletter).

Tactic - An expedient for achieving a goal; a maneuver.

Marketing Meaning: The actions that are actually taken to achieve objectives or part of an objective. In above example of contest sign-ups, individual tactics might be: promote contest in paid media, send out press release, etc. A tactic cannot really be broken down further, it is a specific task that works toward one or more objectives.

3. Use in-text citations and then a references section at the end of your paper. I would like you to follow the APA method of sourcing.

The University Writing Center's website has some video tutorials and online help if needed. Purdue University has one of the best reference resource sites. To learn how to make an in-text citation review these two pages: https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/02/ and https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/03/. On the 03 page, you will see a spot about electronic sources - I expect this is what will work for most of you.

For the references, view this page: https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/10/. Again I expect most of you will use the example given for a nonperiodical web document, web page, or report which is a little past halfway on that webpage.

4. Take the time to paraphrase the information you are pulling from the internet. You can use quotes in your paper, but do not overuse them. If you use something word for word, put quotations around the text and don't forget your in-text citation.

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Marketing Management: Explain how the concept relates to the strategy
Reference No:- TGS01764281

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