
Explain how the canterbury tales is a profile of fourteenth

"The Miller's Prologue and Tale"

"The Wife of Bath's Prologue and Tale"

"The Pardoner's Prologue and Tale" 

  1. Explain how The Canterbury Tales is a profile of fourteenth century life. Use specific examples from the text.
  2. Characterize Chaucer's treatment of women in The Canterbury Tales. Use specific examples from the text.
  3. Choose any two characters from any tales we read and tell how they are alike/different.
  4. How do the tales reflect life in the 1300s?
  5. Explain the importance of the character of Harry Bailly.
  6. Describe the portrait of the clergy as painted by Chaucer in The Canterbury
  7. Tales. Was it an accurate picture?

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Dissertation: Explain how the canterbury tales is a profile of fourteenth
Reference No:- TGS02485500

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