
Explain how the authors work and life experiences would


You will write a 4 page essay (double-spaced, 12-point font) in MLA format.

The following quotes are from Henry Ward Beecher and Sitting Bull. Then read the following quotes carefully and relate each quote to the mission and activities of the Indian boarding schools. In your essay, be sure to discuss how Henry Ward Beecher and Sitting Bulls' beliefs and life experiences might have prompted them to issue these quotes. Refer to the essay preparation guide below for specific instructions on how to write this essay. Also, refer to the rubric at the end of this document for grading criteria.

"The common schools are the stomachs of the country in which all people that come to us are assimilated within a generation.When a lion eats an ox, the lion does not become an ox but the ox becomes a lion."

Henry Ward Beecher

"If the Great Spirit had desired me to be a white man he would have made me so in the first place. He put in your heart certain wishes and plans; in my heart he put other and different desires. Each man is good in the sight of the Great Spirit. It is not necessary,
that eagles should be crows."

Sitting Bull (Teton Sioux)

1. For this essay you need to think about several things:

• Why and how the boarding schools came into existence • The lives of the men who wrote the quotes • What does each quote mean?

• And, most importantly, how does each quote relate to what occurred at the boarding schools and how were peoples' lives affected by what occurred at the boarding schools?

• The legacy of the boarding schools

2. It might be easier to write the essay if you organize it in four (4) pages as follows:

Page 1 (Introduction): Provide a brief overview of how and why the boarding schools came into existence and what the purpose of these institutions. At the end of the paragraph, include a sentence that mentions that there were several well-known critics of the boarding schools and then provide the names of the authors of the 2 quotes around which this essay revolves.

Page 2: Explain how the authors' work and life experiences would have influenced their decisions to take a stand against boarding schools. Then Interpret the quotes explain what they mean.

Page 3: Explain how the words in the quote relate directly to the experiences of the children in the boarding schools.

Provide specific examples of the specific things that the children experienced that would have caused the authors of the quotes to write these quotes. The key here is to be specific and provide details that show that you have completed the readings and paid close attention to the module content including the AVP.

Paragraph 4 (Conclusion): Provide a brief overview of what you have argued in the essay. For example, you might write, "In conclusion, the Indian Boarding Schools..." or you might write, "What this review of the Indian Boarding Schools shows is..." or you might write, "In closing, the Indian Boarding Schools..." You might discuss the legacy of the boarding schools (were these boarding schools successful? Did they accomplish what they set out to accomplish?) and how this shows that the critics of these schools, like the authors of the quotes, were shown to be correct or incorrect (or a combination of both) based on your interpretation of the readings and the AVP.

6. MLA-style guidance:

Some parenthetical citation examples (MLA-style) for the essay:

• If you include a quote from the first Americans: A History of Native Peoples, by Kenneth Townsend and Mark Nichols, include the following after the quote which identifies the author of the book and the page number on which the quote can be found:o (Townsend, 365)

• If you include a quote from the Biographical Reference Center's article on Sitting Bull by John A. Bailey, include the following after the quote:o (Bailey)

• If you include a quote from the Biographical Reference Center's article on Henry Ward Beecher by Clifford E. Clark, include the following after the quote:

o (Clark)

For the Works Cited page (MLA-style), consider the following:

• For the Biographical Reference Center articles, click on the "citation" tab for the complete citation information

• For the textbook, include the authors, full title, publisher, and date of publication.

For additional information on MLA-style formatting, click the MLA Guide link under Resources in the course menu.

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History: Explain how the authors work and life experiences would
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