
Explain how the argument commits the fallacy

Problem 1: Using Weston's list of fallacies in the appendix, say what is wrong with the following arguments. Identify the fallacy and explain how the argument commits the fallacy.

a. If a deductive argument is sound, then it must be valid. There is no doubt that Sarah's argument is valid.  Therefore, it must be a sound one.

b. Capital punishment is not a justifiable practice.  If capital punishment actually deterred people from committing capital crimes, then it would be justified.  But as it does not have that deterrent effect, it is not a justifiable practice.

c. Do you really expect me to dignify your questions about my proposal by answering them? They simply confirm what I've always thought about you anyway.  Your thinking is shallow, naïve, and uninformed. And I feel that you're wasting my time.

d. My college adviser suggested to me that I should take logic because logic, he said, teaches one how to argue.  But I think that people argue too much as it is.  Therefore, I do not intend to take any course in logic, and I am of the opinion that perhaps logic shouldn't be taught at all. It will only contribute to increasing the tension that already exists in the world.

e. You can believe the moon is covered with dust because the president of our country said so, and he should know.

f. In arguing for a cut in defense spending, a proponent suggests that millions of dollars can be saved by cutting out much waste and mismanagement.  A political opponent of this person might respond: "My opponent wants to weaken our defense posture around the world by cutting our defense spending.  A cut could only mean reduction of forces in strategic areas in Europe and Asia.  I say that America cannot become a second-rate military power and still keep her commitments abroad."

g. "Women have rights," said the Bullfight Association president.  "But women shouldn't fight bulls because a bullfighter is and should be a man."

Problem 2: Formalize (put into standard form) the following arguments and identify what type of valid argument for each is (consider the major premises when deciding the argument form).

a. If the universe were infinitely old, no hydrogen would be left in it, because hydrogen is steadily converted into helium throughout the universe, and this conversion is a one-way process. But in fact, the universe consists almost entirely of hydrogen.  Thus, the universe must have had a definite beginning.

b. If a man is truly good, then he will recognize the difficulty of everything he does. Furthermore, he will be hesitant to speak, if he recognizes the difficulty of everything he does. Thus, a man is hesitant to speak, if he is truly good a good man. -Confucious

c. This man just told us that he's going to steal a ship, pick up a pirate crew in Tortuga, and raid, pillage, and pilfer his way around the Caribbean. If he were telling the truth, he wouldn't have told us all that. So he can't be telling the truth! -Pirates of the Caribbean

d. You can either measure the position of a subatomic particle or you can measure its momentum. A law of physics known as the Heisenberg uncertainty principle entails that if you measure its position, then you cannot know its momentum precisely, but if you measure its momentum, then you cannot know its position precisely. So, you can't know a subatomic particle's position or you can't know its momentum. In other words, you can't know both!

Problem 3: Using the following propositions, form arguments for each of the following argument forms. Remember, that you may have to make negations out of these sentences to create the proper form of argument for some of these. You should not include any other sentences in your responses, other than the ones provided.


Doctors prescribe medicine.

Insurance companies approve claims.

Patients receive treatment.

Medical bills are expensive.

a. Disjunctive Syllogism

b. Modus Ponens

c. Hypothetical Syllogism

d. Dilemma

e. Modus Tollens

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