
Explain how tectonic plates the actions at the boundaries

Assignment- Earth & Astronomical Science

We are using for this course is Earth Science 13thEd by Tarbuck, Lutgens and Tasa
(2012 Prentice Hall. ISBN: 0321688503)

Answer the following 10questions and submit via Blackboard with the correct file format as outlined in the syllabus. No other formats will be accepted. You must save your assignments ina word document (.doc, .docx) or PDF (.pdf) format*.

Tying It Together - Earth Science & Astronomy

1. Geologic Features on Venus - Bringing it all together

Take a look at these two pictures of the surface of Venus (below). What kind of "Earth-like" geologic event do you think created these features? Why do you think this? What must the internal structure be (or have been) for this to occur? (Think about Earth as a comparison)

Chapter 8 - Earthquakes

2. Textbook Review Question

Using Figure 8.11 (pg. 236), determine the distance between an earthquake epicenter and a seismic station if the first S-wave arrives 3 minutes after the first P-wave. Describe how you came to your answer...watch the helpful video on the Blackboard page (with this assignment) and Email or call me if you need help!

3. New Madrid Fault Research

Research a bit about the New Madrid Fault (using textbook, internet or book/magazine resources). Where exactly is the epicenter? How many earthquakes occur there per year? For how long has the fault existed? When was the most recent earthquake? Have you ever felt a quake from this area? Remember to cite your sources within text and provide a bibliography using APA 6th ed. Format.

Chapter 9 - Volcanoes

4. Volcanoes on Other Planets

How do you think volcanoes on other planets are different/similar to the volcanoes on Earth? Are they bigger, smaller, more active, etc.? What you do think and WHY?

5. Volcanoes and Interior of Planets

What do you think Volcanoes can tell scientists about the interiors of planets within our Solar System?(Hint - what do volcanoes tell us about the interior of Earth?

6. Volcanoes and Plate Boundaries

Explain how tectonic plates (the actions at the boundaries) create/cause volcanic activity. Give at least one specific example.

7. Textbook Review Question

What volcanic structure (Caldera, Cinder Cone, Composite/Stratovolcano, Shield Volcano, Fissure, Pluton (dike, batholith, etc), etc.) is associated with the following areas/features?

a. Half Dome in Yosemite National Park
b. Mount St Helens
c. Mt. Fuji
d. Mauna Loa

Chapter 10 - Mountains

8. Textbook Review Question

How does plate tectonics theory help explain the existence of fossil marine life in rocks atop mountains formed by continental collisions?

9. Textbook Review Question

What is Isotasy? How does isostatic adjustment explain changes in the elevations of mountains?

10. Give It Some Thought

In your own words, describe the geologic evolution of a "typical" collisional mountain range (Assuming you have done all the reading, and read/listened to the lecture notes, try NOT to use these or any other resources and only use what is in your head right now!).

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