
Explain how teaching by example influences the development

Discussion 1 Philosophy of Education

Respond to Peers: Review your classmates' posts, and respond to two of your peers. Comment on how your peer explained their view on the philosophy of education and the understanding of how education is acquired. Each participation post should be a minimum of 75 words.

Reply to Denisha Davis post

Describe at least three ways a person can teach by example according to the article and provide a personal example in which you have demonstrated this concept.

According to the article, some of the ways a person can teach by example is when an officer wants to set an example of courage to her soldiers.

Another example may be when a boss who wants her employees to adapt to her own work habits, and lastly let's say for example a teacher who wants to model inquiry to her students (McEwan, 2011, p. 509). As for a personal example in my current business, I have to not only lead by example I have to teach by example.

It's crucial my team "do as I do" to ensure their success. I can't expect them to perform at a high level if I don't do it personally first. In my business, I take my trainees on training appointments where I do all the work so not only are they learning they are personally visualizing what I'm doing to have the success as well.

Explain how "teaching by example" influences the development of ethical and moral reasoning as well as cultural sensitivity and awareness.

Teaching by example influences the development and moral reasoning as well as cultural sensitivity and awareness because there is a vast difference between example giving and example setting. Most often our actions are taking singly as models to be imitated or reproduced (McEwan, 2011, p. 510).

Just think if someone told you, you could become a millionaire by doing XYZ how likely are you to take action, however say someone taught you how to become a millionaire, and they were actually a millionaire how likely than are you to take action?

"Rousseau categorically denies the educational power of example" (p. 513). Explain your agreement or disagreement with Rousseau's philosophy of education as it applies to your experience in gaining knowledge.

When evaluating my education as it applies to my experience in gaining knowledge, I would have to disagree with Rousseau. Rousseau said," everything is good when it comes forth from God's hands, everything degenerates in man's hands" (McEwan, 2011, p. 513) Although good comes from god's hands, it still doesn't take away from the fact everybody has the power to teach by example however that can be a positive or negative thing but the power of education power example improves our society and others around us.

When you see, someone having success based on their knowledge that has the ability to influence others to do the same and duplicate their actions.

McEwan, H. (2011). A portrait of the teacher as friend and artist: The example of Jean-Jacques Rousseau. Educational Philosophy and Theory, 43(5), 508-520.

Reply to Cynthia Bolyard post

According to the article, there are three ways of teaching:

1. Teaching by example --> this can be very powerful way to teach, concerned with the moral aspects of teaching, with passing on what is good and bad in the conduct of life or a way of life, teaching and learning from example operate routinely in a variety of social contexts and cultural settings, and those who teach by example often challenge the accepted standards of their culture or social group

2. Imitation --> student teachers observe how they learn how not to teach from the bad example that a teacher has set

3. Intention --> "not only is intention not the essence of teaching, but some of the most important teaching can only occur when it is not intended;" make a deliberate effort with a definite intent (McEwan, 2011)

Morality is an antecedent to ethics --> it denotes those concrete activities of which ethics is the science. It may be defined as human conduct in so far as it is freely subordinated to the ideal of what is right and fitting.

Ethical philosophy it is strenuously maintained that right moral action is altogether independent of religion. In fields such as mathematics or physics, there are generally no problems, but the issue becomes murkier in literature, history, and sociology.

Discussing a book with a moral lesson in it in a literature class is not the same thing as advocating that moral lesson, but the distinction is not always clear. In science, the conflict over teaching evolution vs. creationism has been couched in moral and ethical terms (Chein, 1972).

Rousseau is undoubtedly critical of the power of social convention in shaping behavior, values, and perspectives. He writes that "everything is good when it come forth from God's hands, everything degenerates in man's hands" (McEwan, 2011). When reading this, I was enchanted by this quote.

I see that Rousseau believes that we all should lead by the "power of example." This is very important when teaching our kids, training people at work, and just being with our friends. We can learn so much by just watching the people around us. We can see things that are right, wrong, and things that need to be changed for the better or worse.


Chein, I. (1972). The Science of Behavior and the Image of Man. New York: Basic Books.

McEwan, H. (2011). A portrait of the teacher as friend and artist: The example of Jean-Jacques Rousseau. Educational Philosophy and Theory, 43(5), 508-520.

Discussion 2 Scholarly Sources & Bibliography Analysis

Respond to Peers: Review your classmates' posts, and respond to two peers. In your responses, review at least one of the articles provided by your peer and expand on their description. Each participation post should be a minimum of 75 words.

Reply to James Dunn post

Explain at least five differences between popular and scholarly sources used in research.

1. A popular source can be written by anyone such as an article on WIKI where a scholarly source is written by an expert or professional.

2. Many popular sources are written to entertain readers where a scholarly source is for educational purposes.

3. A popular source is often times biased towards the writers point of view where as a scholarly source lacks bias and allows the reader to choose a side.

4. Many times searching online popular sources have advertisements and educational sources don't.

5. Popular sources are a personal point of view or opinion where a scholarly source is reviewed by a professional.

I chose to do a peer review over an article I found in the Ashford Library on Aviation Security. The article written by UlsHaldimann touches on the history of what makes our airport security the way it is. I feel this was written professionally with no bias in mind by the author. It seems to be legitimate and reliable and uses many historical facts and sources to add proof to the authors claims.

The article is strong and informative but the only weakness I can pin point is that it is rather short. If I was trying to gain information for my final out of this source alone I would only have minimal content of aviation security and would have to use another source or two.

From the sources you summarized, list and explain at least five visual cues from the peer-reviewed, scholarly source that were not evident in the popular source.

In my peer reviewed article it had five of the traits I would look for in a scholarly source. first of all, I got it from the Ashford Library so I know it is legitimate. Second it lacked writer bias and the motive was to educate. Third, the author was given credit for the article. Fourth it had a received and revised date on it. Fifth, there were no hidden agendas with the article or advertisements.

Haldimann, U. (2007). Unpredictability in Avation Security.

Reply to John Spencer post

The video on scholarly and popular sources helped me to distinguish some differences I did not realize I was missing. Popular sources are written to appeal to everyone and show them the general idea of a topic.

Scholarly sources are written to actually give the reader a better understanding of the topic as it is explained by professionals.

Popular sources:

1) Are written to be easily understood by normal readers;

2) Do not fully cite the sources ;

3) Are written by journalists ;

4) Are usually shorter than scholarly sources;

5) Are written for the general public in magazines or web sites.

The popular sources I choose was written by Alexandra Ossola and is titled How to Improve Airport security. The article talks about improvements in security at airports that are being made around the world. The main focus is on how TSA is not only working to make airports safer but also less intrusive on passengers.

The limitation to this article is that the author is not involved in the process. She is writing the article to inform others of the changes airports are making, not why they need to be done in the first place.

Scholarly sources: 1) Are written by expects in that field, often scholars, faculty or a researcher; 2) Use technical or scholarly language; 3) Are often longer than popular sources; 4) Are reviewed by the author's peers.
Included full citations for the sources used in the paper

The scholarly source I choose is From Sniffer Dogs to Emerging Sniffer Devices for Airport Security: An Opportunity to Rethink Privacy Implications? by Matteo Bonfanti. The overall theme of the paper is to show the fine line between each individual's right to privacy and the use of portable sniffers used to detect hazardous materials.

The article explains how the human body produces certain scents and how hazardous materials give off others ad how the sniffer determines which is which. It also address each individuals' right to privacy and the intrusion these devices impose on that right.


Ossola, A. (2017). After decades of small improvements, innovative new technology is poised to make painful security checkpoints more efficient and effective, How to improve airport security.

Bonfanti, M. (2013). From Sniffer Dogs to Emerging Sniffer Devices for Airport Security: An Opportunity to Rethink Privacy Implications?

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