
Explain how symbolic interaction is the engine


1. Explain how symbolic interaction is the engine and the catalyst for culture. (In less than 150 words)

2. Summarize the essential points made in Discussion in the debate over the difference between manager and leader. (Less than 150 words)

Outline this discussion, mentioning names of participants on either side. Then give your own opinion (in no more than 5 sentences).

3. How are pattern making and a habit of going beyond looking to seeing make a good deal of sense. (Less than 50 words – two + paragraphs)

4. Northouse lists several different styles of leadership in the first chapters. List these; select the one that you think has the most use in the majority of situations; then, select the one that you are most likely to use and the one you are least likely to use.(50 words)

5. The Enron Debacle was one of the most memorable examples of a set of relationships in the leadership of a corporation resulting in serious hurt for all involved. Write a 200-word essay on what the Enron experience tells managers the advice that they really need. Generally, what is the advice that comes out of the Enron narrative?

Here are some quotations, along with your research and your own analysis that are meant to help you in the writing of your essay:

• “It was easy to get people to do deals, if you pay them up front.” (p. 181 of Maclean, B The Smartest Guys in the Room,. (2004)

• (Skillings) had never let go of the consultant’s conceit that the idea was all and the idea, therefore, should be the thing that was rewarded.” (McClean, B., (2004) p.39.

• “Skilling also had a tendency to oversimplify, and he largely disregarded – indeed, he had an active distaste for the messy details in the executing of a plan. What thrilled Skilling was the intellectual purity of an idea, not the translation of that idea into reality.” (McClean, B.,(2004) p.28

• “Whatever the cost, Ken Lay made sure the family vacations were peaceful and that both wives had whatever they needed. Lay’s efforts to keep his bourgeoning family happy and give them lots of money were to become the template for his management style at Enron. (Bryce, Robert, Pipe Dreams, (2002) p.30.

• Better still, the answer to why Enron failed could be boiled down to one word – a word that the business development people gurus love to spout off about. It’s a word that consultants and authors charge a $1,000 a day to discuss with management. It’s an expensive word, a word that has defined civilizations – and companies – for generations. It was the culture, stupid. (Bryce, R., (2002) p. 12.

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