
Explain how situation that you have chosen displays concept


Mini-Paper Assignment

The major purpose of these papers is for you to apply the knowledge that we are learning to the world in which you live. The knowledge in this class can be viewed in the "real" world. Popular culture often provides us with exaggerated examples of real life that can be re-examined for the ease of this assignment.

Due dates:As instructed in the syllabus, you will be required to complete four mini papers throughout the semester. Each is worth 50 points. Refer to your syllabus for the due datesper paper. Refer to your syllabus for late paper policies.

Format: This paper should be 3-4 pages (4 ½ pages max) in length, double spaced, and contain one-inch margins. The font should be 12 point, Times New Roman and the writer should be sure to make use of SPELL CHECK and GRAMMER CHECK. The paper should be organized into four sections.

1) In the first section explain the concept (e.g., nonverbal codes)/model/theory (e.g., social penetration theory) that you have chosen according to your book and what we have discussed in class. I am looking for you to be able to explain this to me in your own words. Be sure that you are thorough enough so as to indicate to me that you understand the concept/model/theory, and could explain it to someone who might not have come in contact with your textbook or this class. I am looking for you to show me that you can summarize it concisely. Additional resources from the textbook can be used, if needed, but this should be in your own words.

2) In the second section, explain the example. Specifically, briefly explain the movie, T.V. show, comic strip, or personal experience, etc. to me. Tell me about the characters, the situation, what occurred, etc. Give me any information you think I might need to fully understand the situation. Please do not spend too much time on this section. Provide enough details to make it clear what is happening in the scene, plot, etc., but be brief.

3) Section three, requires you to explain how the situation that you have chosen displays the concept/model/theory. Do not leave it to me to make inferences or draw conclusions. Make sure that you use the correct terms and define them through your example. You should look on this section as your argument in support that the context you chose does indeed show the concept/model/theory at work.

4) In the final section I want you to make a critique of the total experience. Was there something involved in your situation that the concept/model/theory left out? Do you feel that the concept/model/theory would work/apply better if it incorporated something else? Was there something that you feel should be removed? Basically, I want you to analyze what you applied and give me your opinion. There is no "correct" answer here; you just need to have a supported opinion. This is your chance to be the critic... if the concept/model/theory is not useful or doesn't work then tell me why. Do you have any suggestions to "fix" it? HINT: Very rarely in communication does everything work out perfectly. This is your opportunity to be a critic and really analyze communication.

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Other Subject: Explain how situation that you have chosen displays concept
Reference No:- TGS01966070

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