Explain how separation of policy and mechanism aids in

1. Figure 1-23 shows that a number of UNIX system calls have no Win32 API equiv- alents. For each of the calls listed as having no Win32 equivalent, what are the conse- quences for a programmer of converting a UNIX program to run under Windows?

2. A portable operating system is one that can be ported from one system architecture to another without any modification. Explain why it is infeasible to build an operating system that is completely portable. Describe two high-level layers that you will have in designing an operating system that is highly portable.

3. Explain how separation of policy and mechanism aids in building microkernel-based operating systems.

4. Virtual machines have become very popular for a variety of reasons.  Nevertheless, they have some downsides. Name one.

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Basic Computer Science: Explain how separation of policy and mechanism aids in
Reference No:- TGS01278468

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