
Explain how resource-based competitive advantage drives

Competitive Advantage and Globalization

Competitive advantage implies the creation of a system that has a unique advantage over competitors. With the advent of globalization, the competition has become stronger and can be located anywhere in the world. The idea behind competitive advantage is to create customer value in an efficient and sustainable way. One approach to address this issue would be the use of resource-based theories of competitive advantage.

Resources are not simply raw materials but include all the inputs, such as intellectual capital, necessary to produce a good or service. Consider this as you address globalization strategies for Fortune 500 firms in this assignment. Be mindful of constraints, such as transportation costs and cultural barriers, as you complete this assignment.

Review the article "Resource-Based Theories of Competitive Advantage: A Ten-Year Retrospective on the Resource-Based View" by J. B. Barney from the readings for this module.

Based on your analysis of this article and other readings for this module, respond to the following:

Explain how resource-based competitive advantage drives globalization strategies for Fortune 500 firms.

Why are application of project management principles critical to effective business operations?

Barney, J. B. (1991). Firm resources and sustained competitive advantage. Journal of Management, 17(1), 99-120. (ProQuest Document ID: 215258436)https://www.thecampuscommon.com/library/ezproxy/ticketdemocs.asp?sch=auo&turl=https://search.proquest.com/docview/215258436

Barney, J. B. (2001). Resource-based theories of competitive advantage: A ten-year retrospective on the resource-based view. Journal of Management, 27(6), 643-650. Retrieved fromhttps://www.thecampuscommon.com/library/ezproxy/ticketdemocs.asp?sch=auo&turl=https://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=bth&AN=5777193&site=ehost-live

Write your initial response in 300-500 words. Your response should be thorough and address all components of the discussion question in detail, include citations of all sources, where needed, according to the APA Style, and demonstrate accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation

Make sure your writing is clear, concise, and organized;

demonstrates ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources; and displays accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation.

Writing and Formatting Standards

Research Based Papers (assignments where the focus is on a review of the literature)

- written in the third person
- should use current academic sources as the basis of the review
- need in text citations for any paraphrases
- all sources cited in the reference section needs to have an in text citation in the body of the text
- need quotation marks and in text citations for all quoted materials
- quoted material should be used to support student's writing and should be less than 10% of the paper
- 1 inch margins on all four sides
- Double spaced throughout the paper
- Times New Roman 12 point font
- title page per APA standards
- reference page per APA standards
- include page numbers

Reflection Papers (assignments where the focus is reflections on concepts)

- must follow the items in the research paper above, but can be written in the first person
- the reflection should be clearly communicated and should include current academic literature for support

Case Studies (assignments where the focus is applying concepts to a case)

- must follow the items in the research paper above, but can be written in the first person
- the case analysis should be clearly communicated and should include current academic literature for support

Discussion Posts (assignment where the students discuss concepts)

- can be written in the first person
- do not need a title page
- should be written in the textbox and not uploaded as an attachment
- need in text citations for any paraphrasing
- need quotations and in text citations for quoted materials
- need a reference section at the end of the post

Writing Standards

- Writing is clear, coherent, and, fluid. Writing also is recursive in that it links ideas back to previously mentioned ideas. Writing also contains appropriate, consistent transitions between paragraphs and ideas help reader see the relationship between ideas.

- Paragraphs are well developed and appropriate: there are strong topic sentences, clear ideas that naturally lead reader through the writing.

The written piece is structured in a logical fashion that supports the presentation of complex content, including in the introduction and conclusion.

- Writing style is concise, engaging, insightful, and focused. It has clarity, depth, coherence, which strongly support the purpose of the writing.

- Rhetoric reflects a clear understanding of and directly appeals to audience by using appropriate terminology and background knowledge of the audience.

- Writing is basically error free in terms of mechanics. Grammar and mechanics help establish a sound scholarly argument and aid the reader in following the writer's logic.

- The discussion demonstrates a clear and scholarly understanding of subject matter.

Information is discussed with clear and accurate definitions of unfamiliar terms and is thoroughly evaluated from all possible perspectives.

- References from article are used in an effective way to fully support the authenticity of the argument.

- Conclusions clearly& accurately reflect & evaluate multiple perspectives of an issue, while taking a clear stance. Any evidence that may be contradictory to expected outcomes is used to present a thorough evaluation of the issue.

- All written work should be proof read and checked for spelling and grammar errors.

Other APA and Style Considerations

- When writing an introduction, some approaches are best avoided. Avoid starting sentences with "The purpose of this essay is . . ." or "In this essay I will . . ." or any similar flat announcement of your intention or topic. The introduction provides an opportunity to capture the reader's attention with a "hook." It also indicates what the paper will be about and how you will approach the topic.

- Avoid starting a sentence with a numeral. Either write the numeral out, or rewrite the sentence with a different word first.

- Use figures for numbers 10 and above.

- Use words for numbers zero through nine.

- Use bold and centering for first-level headings, and put second-level headings in bold (with no italics) at the left margin. Capitalize all major words in both headings.

- Delete "Introduction" as a heading. First paragraph must speak for itself and be your introduction.

- Indent the first line of each paragraph five to seven spaces (1/2 inch).

- Capitalize all major words of titles and headings.

- Use first, second, third instead of firstly, secondly, etc.

- Beware of overly long or overly short paragraphs. Eliminate one-sentence paragraphs. An effective paragraph develops one central idea.

- Space between each paragraph should be one double space.

- Use commas before quotations that start with words "said" or "stated." For example, Smith said, "It is over." However, do not use commas when merging quotations into your own sentence. For example, Smith told us to "go home and rest."

- Direct quotations greater than 40 words must be blocked and indented. Block quotations do not have quotation marks (except those already included in the source material).

- Use italics for book and journal titles.

- Always start your references on a new page.

- Use bullets in moderation for academic writing. You can use seriation within a paragraph or sentence or as a numbered list.

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Operation Management: Explain how resource-based competitive advantage drives
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